Aspire Healthcare Services LLC

Housing Stabilization Service

Our Services

  • Developing a housing transition


    Supporting the person in

    applying for benefits to afford

    their housing, including helping

    the person determine which

    benefits they may be eligible for

    Providing transportation with

    the person receiving services

    present and discussing housing

    related issues

    Helping the person find funding

    for deposits.

  • Developing, updating and

    modifying the housing support

    and crisis/safety plan on a

    regular basis

    Preventing and early

    identification of behaviors that

    may jeopardize continued


    Advocating with community

    resources to prevent eviction

    when housing is at risk and

    maintain person’s safety

    Supporting the person to apply

    for benefits to retain housing

More About Us

More About HSS:

Housing Stabilization Services is a new

Minnesota Medical

Assistance benefit to

help people with

disabilities, including

mental illness and

substance use disorder,

and seniors find and

keep housing.

Who Can Recieve Help?

  • Are 18 and older

  • Have medical assistance

  • Have a qualifying assessment

  • Have a disability or disabling


How To Refer

If you would like to refer a client, please email or call 612-403-2441 and we would be eager to help!

Contact Us